Reflection On the Year: Major Project

It’s crazy to think that our final year has almost past, even crazier to see our characters (that were initially a result of a conversation over burgers) come to life. It’s been a great year in my opinion, I’ve loved the project since the beginning and consider myself extremely lucky  to have been part of the team that saw it through. I think we’ve grown and matured significantly as artists over the past year, all taking on our own fair share of responsibilities and roles that resulted in the film being shown at the end of year show. Problems we’re easily fixed, doubts were addressed and reassured, countless hours of work were invested in the project and I’m so proud of what we were able to achieve in the time we had.

I got to specialise this year, focusing on rigging and animation. I’ve learnt so much as a result of being able to focus and delve into the areas that interest me the most. However, I wouldn’t have had the chance to do so if I wasn’t working with a team that made it possible for me to specialise and for that i’m incredibly grateful. In addition to learning a lot, specialising has opened up career opportunities for me that I hadn’t even considered being applicable for previously. I’m incredibly happy to say that, in a few months time i’ll be stepping into a role and contributing to the industry based in N.Ireland and I cant wait to see what awesome things I learn about as a result of it.

I’ve been lucky enough to contribute to multiple projects this year as well, some modelling bits and pieces and character rigging. I think they’re all looking awesome! I cant wait to see them on the big screen. It’s going to be sad to part ways with the people you’ve went through hell with for four years, but can say with confidence that their going on to do amazing things and i’m looking forward to seeing what they do in the future.

In terms of networking, the past year has been incredible. I got to speak to industry veterans from Bungie and Double Negative and some long term animation hero’s of mine such as Richard Lico which was such an invaluable experience in itself, not only did I learn where the industry was but more importantly where it’s going. On top of all this, the Jam media hosted Dingle animation festival gave me the chance to connect with studios and employers from Ireland such as BrownBag Films, Boulder media,Giant Animation and Jam where a few job opportunities presented themselves there to.

I would have liked to have spent a bit more time throughout the year learning more about scripting and tool development but i’m looking forward to delving into it in greater detail when I graduate as well as finishing my online rigging classes through Puppeteer lounge.

I wouldn’t trade the last four years for anything, I’ve met so many amazing people and learned so many cool things, I’m eagerly looking forward to  what the future holds.

While i’m here, A MASSIVE thank you to:

Alec Parkin, Micheal Bass, Yuanyuan Chen, Greg Maguire and Conann Fitzpatrick Alvarez-Casado

You’s have made something awesome!







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