Animatic & Mike’s Feedback

Having Mike critic your work is honestly one of the most valuable learning experiences you can get when it comes to feedback. It’s quick, concise and leaves you in a great position going forward. Needless to say the animatic was a bit of a mess but now that we’re aware of it’s short comings we can fix it. Better sooner than later.




  • Framing and Performance needs improved @ 0:10 -0:14
  • Too much information for the audience @ 0:19
  • Audio and dialogue needs fixed
  • Not enough images on screen to convey the plan
  • A lot of information is lost when Puca enters the house
  • Set up of the house is too vague and doesn’t work
  • Shot transition doesn’t work @ 0:51
  • Why does Cassandra need the amulate
  • Tension is broken and stops the story @ 1:06
  • Not conveying the significance of the amulate
  • With the current short idea we need to know the background context of the series.

Feedback is great but shows how much we have to do to fix up the animatic, should be fun…



The Module’s Schedule

We’ve been given the opportunity to work on one project throughout the course of the whole year. This is a new direction the course has been taken in, aiming to give the students the chance to produce a very developed and polish project outcome for both our marks and End Of Year Shows.

Although there are a lot of great opportunities to be had with this new direction, It’s important to remember that regardless of the additional time we’re being given WE NEED to stay on top of our project in terms of production and organisation.

Our lecturers have put up a guide to build our future plans off of when moving forward with the project.

Below is a rough draft of the schedule broken down into their months.


This concept was then taken and broken down further into specific areas like, concept design to animation blocking, credit for the current group schedule goes to Sorcha Mcglinchey.

Sorcha is doing as awesome job in organising the group with regards to schedules,deadlines and shot lists. She is also continuously keeping record of the projects progression. She’s currently working hard to ensure we’re all on the same platform for communication and assets distribution, like creating Slack and shotgun accounts for the team.


-You can see Sorcha’s methods of planning and organisation here-


As a result i’ve also taken to organising my task for the early stages of the project, from September to November. As it stands my priorities are:

  • Design: Helping develop the design of our project, ranging from visual concepts, scripts and storyboards.
  • Rigging and Script Development: Aiming to have all of our rigs finished by November at the latest whilst taking on feedback from the animation tests using our chosen proxy rigs. As well as this developing tools to help speed up processes in the pipeline like rigging and animation and rendering.
  • Animation: Animation tests and experiments to try to achieve a cartoon-y and appealing look for our animations, in addition to developing are 3D previz.
  • Personal: Personal will basically be an opportunity to work on other things, these could be blog posts, Report/Dissertations and even developing my showreel and website for future employers to see.
The following schedule is subject to change, as the concepts should hopefully be fairly developed by the end of October.
